This is Why I Build With Squarespace

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    I struggled a lot during the first few years of building websites before I began building websites with Squarespace. I remember how I started with other website platforms and how I would constantly be frustrated when I would have to spend time on the website's design or find myself set back due to complications out of my control. 

    I tried other website platforms when I first started designing websites, and while I was new to designing websites, I found most were taking me away from actually creating a website. I will share my opinion on why Squarespace is better than another competitive platform in another article but for now, to understand, I underwent the struggle creating personal websites until one day, a client approached me for business, and I decided to try Squarespace.

    I was excited to try a new platform but still skeptical at first. It took a while before I built a website using Squarespace, but one day, I had an idea, and it seemed so simple while using Squarespace that my brain was almost able to forget all the frustration I had with other websites. With Squarespace, everything was laid out before me; it made building websites fun again. That's how I became a Squarespace user. This platform became part of my daily routine. 

    My clients enjoy the great website I've built for them, and I have to thank Squarespace, who gave both my client and me to enjoy the process. After making the first few websites with Squarespace and the experience I've gained from the process, I learned how to tweak the website to create an even more amazing website than was custom-tailored to the client's needs.

    Ease of Use

    Building a website is probably one of the more difficult processes you could ever do. Numerous essential things need to be done to create a great website, and when it comes to building websites, Ease of Use is an essential factor. Building websites with Squarespace makes it so easy, I have gone from using Squarespace 7.0 which was already great, to now using Squarespace 7.1, and they have only enhanced the ease of use functions. The process is simple, even for someone who isn't technically gifted with code like me.

    Squarespace helps me quickly build a website without knowing all the intricacies of how it all works. As I build more and more websites with Squarespace, I realize the importance of Ease of Use.

    Squarespace has also made it easy for me to create a professional website for any client, even if they do not have high-end design needs. But again, this is due to Ease of Use.


    Another great feature of Squarespace is Flexibility. With Squarespace, I can build any website for any client, whether they are a small business or an individual. It is also very flexible for clients with higher-end design needs and wants. With just a few clicks, I can completely change the website's entire layout and make it look completely different from how it looked before. Drag and drop is also effortless in Squarespace. I can easily change the website's colours and add images without worrying about making any mistakes.

    WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)

    As I build more and more websites with Squarespace, I realize how important this is to me. What You See Is What You Get makes building a website with Squarespace so much easier. When I create a website with Squarespace, the website that shows up on my phone or laptop is exactly how it will turn out when the client sees it.


    I can easily see what things look like right before I save them and even change things without having to create an entirely new template for the website. When building a website, it's easy to get lost in coding and forget how everything looks. It's great to view the website from start to finish quickly so that you don't have to worry about making any mistakes in how the website looks.


    Squarespace has extremely useful features. Features make it easier to do certain tasks, such as their new colour theme function, setting up accounts, and having multiple users on your website. 

    One feature I enjoy on the Squarespace 7.1 is the Color Theme option. Before, Squarespace 7.0 would pretty much let you go all over the place when it came to colour for text and buttons. But in Squarespace 7.1, they now start you off with a 5-colour palette, which is a time-saver. Then you can take that and customize 10-colour themes that I can easily apply to any section on the website. 

    One of the best features is the ability to have unlimited websites. Sites like WordPress, Wix, and others have limits on how many domains you can have, but with Squarespace, I can make a total amount of websites and domains. This is something that I enjoy.

    Another valuable feature Squarespace offers includes the option to add videos to your website. There is no native way to add videos for your business website with other website builders.


    1. High-quality graphics: Unlike a graphics program, Squarespace allows me to upload great high-quality images and videos that I would never be able to find in any other website builder. I think that Squarespace has the highest quality images and videos I've ever uploaded on my websites.

    2. Fast website creation process: Building a website with Squarespace is fast and easy. It only took a few hours to finish and test the website I created with Squarespace.

    3. SEO optimization: Squarespace allows me to optimize my website's SEO through its in-built analytics easily. They have a really helpful breakdown of what Squarespace does for SEO, and all the features that to make it an enjoyable experience even for those who are new to SEO.

    4. Good customer support: Squarespace offers a customer support team that is always helpful and quick to respond to any problems I may have. My clients love the great tools and tools available for me to use as a Squarespace designer, which is what makes them want to come back again

    5. Unique price plan: that's intended for businesses. Squarespace allows you to customize your website with unique features such as carousels, unlimited pages, and membership pages. Unlike other website platforms that don't give you these unique features, Squarespace is meant for businesses that want to push their online presence.

    6. Custom "one-off" projects: Clients have often asked me to create a unique website for them. These online tools would be costly if used without any customization. However, with Squarespace, I can still offer these tools and design an amazing-looking website for less money.

    7. Mobile app for business: Squarespace gives me the ability to create an app for my client's businesses so that they can market their services on the warehouse of their mobile phones.


    Squarespace does have a few limitations. Before I became more familiar with it, building a website with Squarespace felt like I was making a website with limited tools. But looking at these limitations from another perspective, you realize that Squarespace is focused on a more straightforward, clean interface that focuses on content without unnecessary plugins and functionality.

    All you need is to understand how to manipulate the system, and you will emerge with a super fantastic site.


    I've always been the kind of person who would skip instructions on using a new product. However, when I started learning how to use Squarespace, all of the features made me realize how easy it was to learn and understand. Better still was that I could finally build a professional website for myself or any client, no matter their needs, and at a very affordable price.


    How to Pick a Color Palette for Your Next Website


    Is Squarespace Good For Websites?