Squarespace SEO Packages

Expert Squarespace SEO Services for Top Rankings

In today's digital age, Qualtrics mentions that 97% of consumers use online searches when looking for local businesses.

Whether you have an existing website that isn’t performing or ranking as it should or starting from scratch and want to make a strong debut, your website must appear in search results. With this service, a trusted expert will guide you through the complexities of Squarespace SEO and ensure your site grows in traffic and visibility.

What’s included in your Squarespace SEO package?

Your Squarespace SEO package is designed to help you understand how your Squarespace site currently performs in search rankings and what actions you need to take to start driving more traffic from Google.

This fully tailored service ensures you rank higher for important keywords, identify opportunities to build high-quality links to your website, and gain the knowledge, understanding, and skills to maintain good SEO practices.

Here's what the service includes:


I will begin with an SEO audit to identify any errors on your site, providing a detailed report of issues like broken links or duplicate content. You'll receive a prioritized list of improvements for your key pages to ensure title tags, meta descriptions, and page content are all aligned. This comprehensive audit will enhance the user experience and support your SEO goals by ensuring your website’s structure is optimized for search engines, ultimately driving more traffic to your site and improving its overall performance.


I will analyze which keywords you currently rank for and your positions in Google. More importantly, I will conduct extensive keyword research based on your target audience and main competitors. This research will uncover valuable missing keywords, helping you capture more search engine traffic. By understanding and utilizing these keywords, you can better target your audience and improve your site's visibility, increasing traffic and potential conversions.


I will optimize your five most important pages for SEO, addressing any identified errors and ensuring each page is optimized for a specific keyword. This includes updating meta tags, headers, and on-page content to align with SEO best practices. By enhancing these key pages, we’ll improve their search engine rankings, making your site more visible to potential customers and driving more organic traffic to your business.


If needed, I will help you rewrite your homepage to align with the target keywords you want to rank for. This involves ensuring your homepage content is optimized for SEO, making it more attractive to search engines and relevant to your audience. A well-optimized homepage will improve your site's visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find you and engage with your offerings.


I will set up your Google Search Console account, enabling you to track and manage your site's search performance. This includes identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. I will also submit your sitemap for indexing or re-indexing pages with significant changes. This setup ensures that your website is properly monitored and maintained, helping you stay on top of your SEO efforts and continuously improve your site's performance.


I will optimize your website's images to ensure they load faster and include appropriate alt text. This not only improves your site's speed and user experience but also boosts your SEO. I’ll show you how to continue this process, ensuring your images remain optimized and your site performs at its best. Proper image optimization helps enhance your site's visibility and attractiveness to search engines.


I will set up permanent 301 redirects for any URL changes and for pages that have been removed. This ensures that visitors and search engines are directed to the correct pages, maintaining your site's integrity and avoiding broken links. Properly implemented redirects help preserve your site’s SEO value, preventing any negative impact on your search engine rankings and ensuring a smooth user experience.


I will review your existing blog posts, making title changes and content edits to align them with your new keyword strategy. This optimization will help improve your blog's search engine rankings and drive more relevant traffic to your site. By fine-tuning your blog content, you’ll ensure that it supports your overall SEO goals and continues to attract and engage your target audience effectively.

Investment: $1,500


  • Hiring an SEO expert can boost your online presence and visibility. Costs vary based on experience, services provided, and your website's needs. Expect to pay between $300 to $1,000+ monthly. This investment helps optimize your website, generate more leads, increase sales, and grow your revenue over time.

  • Yes, investing in SEO can be very beneficial for many businesses. It improves your website’s visibility, drives more traffic, and increases leads and sales by helping you rank higher in search results. While SEO is a long-term strategy requiring ongoing effort, many businesses see significant benefits.

    Before investing, evaluate your business goals, budget, and resources. Consulting with an experienced SEO professional can help determine the best strategies for your needs. Ultimately, SEO can be a valuable investment in your business’s long-term success.

  • Yes, you can do SEO on your own, but it requires time, effort, and expertise. You'll need to learn best practices for optimizing your website’s content, structure, and technical elements, as well as building quality backlinks.

    There are many online resources like blogs, forums, and courses to help you learn SEO. However, keep in mind that SEO is constantly evolving, so staying updated is crucial.

    Be patient and persistent, as it takes time to see results. Track your progress with analytics tools and adjust your strategies as needed. If you find it too challenging or time-consuming, consider hiring a professional SEO agency or consultant to help.

  • Seeing results from SEO can vary. It may take up to 6 months to notice significant growth using organic, white-hat SEO techniques. Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) ads, which offer immediate visibility but cost per click, organic SEO requires consistency, perseverance, and patience.

    While PPC can place you at the top of search results quickly, organic SEO provides lasting benefits. Even after stopping SEO efforts, your site can continue to rank well until overtaken by other optimized sites. Managing your expectations and staying committed is key to long-term SEO success.

  • At Finkea Design, we understand that SEO is complex and ever-changing, with no guarantees for specific rankings or outcomes. However, we promise to use ethical, industry-approved techniques to enhance your website's visibility and search engine ranking.

    Our experienced SEO specialists will create a customized strategy based on your business goals. We continuously monitor and adjust our efforts, providing regular updates and transparent reports on our progress.

    While we can't guarantee specific outcomes due to changing search engine algorithms, we assure you of our best practices and expertise to improve your rankings and drive relevant traffic. Our commitment to high-quality SEO services aims to help your business succeed online.

  • There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should spend on SEO each month. It depends on your company's size, budget, and goals. A good rule of thumb is to allocate 5-10% of your marketing budget to SEO. Investing in a well-planned SEO strategy ensures your website is optimized and attracts organic traffic.

  • An SEO agency ensures your website is optimized to attract potential customers. The goal is to improve your site's visibility and ranking on search engines, driving more traffic and leads.

    At Finkea Design, we leverage our experience to optimize your website and reach your target audience effectively. Our monthly audits and analyses track your digital campaign success, allowing us to create marketing plans that increase leads and sales.

  • Finkea Design is a top SEO service provider in Vancouver dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals. Our experienced team stays up-to-date on algorithm changes to ensure your website is optimized for search engines.

    We create customized SEO strategies tailored to your goals. As your partner, we treat your business as our own, ensuring your website is in good hands. Contact us today to learn how we can help you grow your business online.

  • Measure SEO success with these key metrics:

    • Organic Growth: Your website's improved ranking in search engines.

    Increased Traffic: More visitors coming to your site.

    • Conversions: Visitors making calls, bookings, or purchases.

    At Finkea Design, we focus on attracting organic traffic from people interested in your products and services, working hard to ensure your website's success.

  • Finkea Design uses ethical, white-hat SEO techniques combined with high-quality website design to achieve the desired results. Our approach covers both on-page and off-page SEO, ensuring a comprehensive strategy.

    Proper SEO can drive traffic and bring in ready-to-buy leads. Partnering with the right digital marketing agency is crucial for success. We pride ourselves on using only white-hat strategies that align with Google's guidelines, avoiding penalties associated with black- or grey-hat tactics.

    Choose Finkea Design for your SEO needs and see the difference our expertise and commitment to ethical practices can make for your online success.

What Can We Do Together - Let’s Talk.

Tell us your vision and about your Squarespace web design or SEO project. There is no sales pressure—this is just an opportunity to chat, ask some questions, and see if we're a good fit.