How to Do Keyword Research with Semrush

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    Welcome to the compelling world of keyword research, a crucial step toward effective search engine optimization (SEO). It is the most popular question we get asked, and one thing all businesses have in common: this ranks higher in search engine results. 

    Seeing your website at the top of the search is a great feeling, and it all starts with picking that Keyword that will help begin that journey to the top. At Finkea Design, we wanted to provide a simple guide to keyword research, and we've honed our expertise using SEMrush, a leading SEO tool, to unlock the potential of digital marketing for businesses like yours.

    The guide will walk you through our process step-by-step and help show you how to identify the most business and valuable keywords for your business — and use them effectively on your website.

    Let's begin...

    What is Keyword Research?

    Keyword research is the process of identifying the terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching online. Understanding these keywords is vital to tailor your content to match their needs, ensuring your website appears in relevant search results.

    Why is Keyword Research Important?

    In today's digital age, being visible online is key to business success. Keyword research is the cornerstone of SEO, helping you understand your audience better, driving traffic to your website, and boosting conversions and sales.

    • Precise Search Query Identification: Pinpoint the exact terms potential customers use when searching for your products or services.

    • Ranking Feasibility Insight: Discover the difficulty level in ranking for specific search queries.

    • Traffic Potential Estimation: Gauge the maximum possible traffic you can attract through specific keywords.

    • Content Relevance Optimization: Tailor your content to match your target audience's search behaviour and purchasing journey stages by targeting the right keywords.

    So here comes the question: How do you do all that?

    And that is by using a getting yourself trusty keyword research tool.

    While several tools are available for keyword research, at Finkea Design, we primarily use SEMrush for its comprehensive features and accurate data. It's a powerful tool that helps find the right keywords and provides insights into competitors' strategies.

    ✓ Identify Popular Search Queries: Recognize the exact search terms used by your target audience.

    ✓ Monthly Search Volume Analysis: Measure the monthly number of searches for these phrases to gauge popularity.

    ✓ Ranking Difficulty Assessment: Understand the competition level for ranking these terms.

    ✓ Alternative Query Suggestions: Receive recommendations for similar but less competitive queries, improving your chances of a higher ranking.

    Now, only some people want to go straight into paying for an SEO tool like Semrush. An alternative is free and is the go-to for most of our search enquiries, which is Google's and their tools, Google Keyword Planner and Google Search Console.

    Like everything, there are pros and cons to using a free SEO tool, and Google has its limitations. For example: 

    • Google Keyword Planner: It offers monthly search volume data for specific phrases, but access to detailed information usually requires considerable ad spending. 

    • Google Search Console: provides metrics only for keywords your site already ranks for, making it less useful for discovering new keyword opportunities. It's more suited for analyzing current search performance than broad keyword research.

    We will stay on track, though, and continue to help explain how we use Semrush for our keyword research. 

    Brainstorm: keyword ideas you generate by examining what your competitors are currently ranking for

    Step One: Brainstorming Techniques in SEO

    Brainstorming plays a pivotal role in SEO strategy development, involving two key approaches:

    • Actual Brainstorming: This is about leveraging your intuition and industry knowledge to generate initial keyword ideas. It's the 'top of your head' approach.

    • Data-Driven Brainstorming: Here, you analyze what keywords your competitors rank for, using tools like Semrush to uncover valuable insights.

    Intuitive Brainstorming for Seed Keywords

    When you're immersed in the daily operations of a small business, you inherently develop a keen sense for your industry. This insight is invaluable when initiating the keyword research process.

    • Harnessing Your Industry Knowledge: Start by leveraging your intimate business sector knowledge. This will assist you in identifying a preliminary collection of 'seed' or 'first-stage' keywords. When you think about what potential customers might type into a search engine when looking for services like yours, these phrases naturally come to mind.

    • Practical Example: Consider, for instance, that you run a modest plumbing service. You may instinctively consider terms such as:

      • Emergency Plumber,

      • Plumbing Service,

      • 24 Hour Plumber,

      • Affordable Plumber,

      • or just 'Plumbing

    • A Word of Caution: While these keywords are popular among searchers, their broad nature also means they are highly competitive. Trying to rank for these terms immediately is not typically recommended for newer businesses or those new to SEO.

    Nevertheless, don't discard these initial ideas. They serve as a crucial foundation for the next steps in your keyword exploration.

    Discovering Your Competitors

    Your first mission is to identify your digital competitors. But how? Simply input the seed keywords you brainstormed earlier into Google. This straightforward action uncovers a world of insight. The results that pop up are not just random websites; they're your online adversaries, vying for the same customer attention.

    Diving Deeper with Semrush’s Organic Research Tool

    Next, it's time to delve deeper. With tools like Semrush’s Organic Research, found in the 'Competitive Research' section, you can turn these competitors into a goldmine of information. How? By exploring the keywords they're already succeeding with.

    Enter a competitor's website URL into the Organic Research tool. Like a window into their strategy, it reveals a list of keywords they're ranking for.

    Now, this list might be extensive but don't get overwhelmed. Your goal here is to look for the most impactful keywords — those with high search volume. These are your 'golden nuggets' — keywords that have the potential to attract significant traffic to your site.

    Now, this list might be extensive but don't get overwhelmed. Your goal here is to look for the most impactful keywords — those with high search volume. These are your 'golden nuggets' — keywords that have the potential to attract significant traffic to your site.

    This process isn't just about collecting keywords; it’s about understanding the market and positioning your website strategically within it. You're learning from the market leaders by analyzing what works for your competitors. This insight is invaluable, providing a roadmap for your own content strategy.

    Remember, this journey is about combining your insights with hard data. It balances intuition and evidence, paving the way for a well-informed and effective SEO strategy.

    long-tail keywords

    Step 2: Expanding Your Keyword List with Long-Tail Keywords

    After you've created your initial list of seed keywords, the next crucial step is to expand this list. However, it's important to understand why there are better strategies than merely relying on your first-stage keywords, often short and broad terms known as 'head keywords.'’

    Why Rethink Your Keyword Strategy?

    Head keywords like 'Plumbing' are usually highly competitive and attract a wide range of visitors. But the downside? These visitors might not be your ideal customers.

    For example, someone searching for 'plumbing' might be looking for a variety of things unrelated to what your business offers. It's an open-ended query, and while it can bring traffic to your site, it doesn't guarantee conversion into sales.

    The Advantage of Long-Tail Keywords

    This is where long-tail keywords come into play. Unlike head keywords, long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases. 

    They include your primary Keyword along with additional modifiers, making them much more targeted. For instance, 'Plumbing Service in Vancouver' is a long-tail keyword; it's specific and aligns closely with what potential customers might search for when they need your service.

    Long-tail keywords are less competitive and often overlooked by other businesses, making them a strategic choice for boosting your SEO effectively. They help attract the right traffic, which is more likely to convert into paying customers.

    Want to learn more? Check out these previous articles:

    How to Use Seed Keywords for Long-Tail Keywords

    Now, let's look at how you can use your seed keywords to find these valuable long-tail keywords:

    1. Utilize Tools Like Semrush's Keyword Magic Tool: This tool can help you discover long-tail keywords related to your seed keywords. You can find it in the 'Keyword Research' section of Semrush.

    2. Explore and Filter: When you enter a seed keyword into the Keyword Magic tool, Semrush will present you with a list of potential long-tail keywords. You can refine these results using various filters, such as 'broad match,' 'phrase match,' 'exact match,' or 'related' phrases. There's also an option to view a list of questions involving your Keyword, which is particularly useful since many Google searches are question-based.

    3. Select and Organize: Experiment with the filtering options to find keywords that best suit your business. Once you have a list of promising long-tail keywords, you can keep them organized in a spreadsheet or add them to Semrush's Keyword Manager tool for easy access.

    By focusing on long-tail keywords, you're not just chasing traffic; you're attracting the right audience. This approach is about quality over quantity, ensuring that the visitors to your site are those who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

    effective keyword research

    Step 3: Prioritizing Keywords for Effective SEO

    Now that you've developed an extensive keyword list, the next step is prioritizing. This step is crucial because trying to rank every phrase on your list can be overwhelming. The goal is identifying which keywords are most viable for your SEO efforts.

    While you have a long list of potential keywords, not all will be equally effective for your SEO strategy. The process of prioritizing helps you focus on keywords most likely to yield results based on specific metrics.

    Key Metrics to Consider in Semrush

    Semrush provides several metrics that are essential in determining which keywords to prioritize:

    1. Search Volume: This indicates the number of searches for a keyword per month. Keywords with higher search volumes can potentially bring more traffic.

    2. Keyword Difficulty: This metric assesses how challenging it is to rank for a specific keyword. A lower difficulty score is preferable, as it means less competition.

    3. Trend: This shows the search term's popularity over the past year. Keywords with an upward trend, especially those with search volumes and difficulties similar to others, should be prioritized.

    The Role of Keyword Intent

    Semrush offers a unique feature by providing keyword intent information. Understanding the searcher's intent is crucial in choosing the right keywords. 

    There are four types:

    • Transactional Intent: The searcher is ready to take action or make a purchase.

    • Commercial Intent: The searcher is exploring brands and services.

    • Informational Intent: The searcher seeks answers or general information.

    • Navigational Intent: The searcher aims to find a specific website or location.

    Incorporating the intent metrics with search volume and difficulty helps you identify the most beneficial keywords. Transactional keywords with high search volume and manageable difficulty levels are ideal for many businesses.

    Your Marketing Goal Keyword/Search Intent Content Types
    Set standards
    Informational Recipes
    How To's
    Build Brand awareness
    Navigational About Us page
    Press releases
    Differentiate from competitor(s)
    Provide a special or time sensitive offer
    Commercial Demonstrations
    Product/service comparisons
    Featured (or free) items or services
    Convert online
    Bring in foot traffic
    Transactional Product pages
    Location pages
    In-person experience with visuals

    Creating Content Around Your Prioritized Keywords

    Once you have your prioritized list of keywords, the next step is to create content. This content should be:

    • Engaging and Well-Written: Google's algorithm values the quality of content, not just the presence of keywords.

    • Relevant and Useful: Ensure that your content aligns closely with the Keyword's intent and adds value to the reader.

    Semrush suggests different types of content for each keyword intent category, guiding you in creating material that resonates with your target audience.

    Final Thoughts

    Remember, the process of prioritizing keywords is about finding a balance between high search volume and low difficulty and matching the user's intent. It's not just about driving traffic but about attracting the right traffic that aligns with your business goals.

    Prioritize wisely and create content that incorporates these keywords and engages and informs your audience. Remember these four quick tips on how to conduct your research effectively:

    • • Brainstorm for Seed Keywords: Utilize your industry expertise and analyze competitors' rankings to pinpoint 'seed' keywords. These are your foundational terms for deeper keyword research.
    • • Discover Long-Tail Keywords with Semrush: Input your seed keywords into Semrush's 'Keyword Magic' tool. This will help uncover related long-tail keywords, which are often more specific and valuable.
    • • Prioritize Keywords Strategically: Assess your seed and long-tail keywords, focusing on those with high search volume, low difficulty, and aligned search intent. This step is crucial for creating a targeted and efficient SEO strategy.
    • • Craft Engaging, Keyword-Focused Content: Develop content that is engaging and precisely tailored to the shortlisted keywords. Ensure your content aligns with the user intent and search terms you aim to rank for.

    And if you're stuck, remember to ask yourself when you are working on the process of finding the right keywords: 

    • • Have I picked the keywords with the highest traffic potential?
    • • How stiff is my competition? What are the odds of ranking number one for a given keyword?
    • • Do I already have content that can simply be tweaked to match my chosen keywords? Or do I have to create it from scratch?
    • • Do I already rank for some of these keywords, and if yes, what can I do to improve my positions and get more traffic?

    Good luck on your keyword research journey! If you have any questions or need guidance on how to get it right, feel free to contact us. 

    Semrush Keyword Research: FAQs Enhanced

    Q. Is Semrush effective for keyword research?

    Absolutely, Semrush is renowned for its extensive keyword database, one of the largest among SEO tools. It provides a comprehensive suite of features to uncover optimal target phrases for SEO campaigns. For an in-depth understanding of its capabilities and offerings, consider reading a detailed Semrush review.

    Q. How does Semrush acquire keyword data?

    Semrush aggregates keyword data using a combination of third-party data providers and its own analytics. It processes information gleaned from Google's search results pages, encompassing over 500 million of the most searched keywords. This process ensures a robust and diverse keyword repository for users.

    Q. What does 'search intent' mean?

    Search intent, or "keyword intent," is a user's primary objective when entering a query into a search engine.

    Semrush classifies search intent into four distinct categories:

    1. Informational (seeking knowledge),

    2. Commercial (evaluating options),

    3. Navigational (looking for a specific site),

    4. and Transactional (ready to purchase).

    Understanding search intent is critical for creating content that meets user needs and improves SEO. Learn more about search intent from Semrush's explanation.

    Q. Is there a free version of Semrush available?

    Yes, Semrush offers a free, albeit limited, version of its platform for users to get acquainted with its features. For those interested in experiencing the full suite of tools, Semrush also provides a free trial that grants temporary access to its premium features. Sign up for the Semrush free trial.

    Q. Which tool is the best for keyword research?

    The "best" keyword research tool can vary based on individual needs and budget constraints. Semrush, Moz, and Ahrefs are among the top contenders in the SEO industry.

    Each offers unique functionalities and insights, so evaluating each tool's strengths is advisable. You may consider starting with trial versions where available to determine which tool aligns best with your goals. You might find resources like Search Engine Journal or Moz's SEO tools comparison helpful for comparisons.

    David Mc, Founder & Web Design Specialist

    As the founder of Finkea Design, David Mc dedicates his expertise to helping Vancouver's local businesses flourish online. With a decade of graphic design experience and a specialized focus on Squarespace web design and SEO for the past five years, David is adept at enhancing digital footprints.

    David shares his rich experience and knowledge through his insightful articles, offering valuable guidance on leveraging web design and SEO to achieve business objectives.

    Connect with David on LinkedIn to learn more about his professional journey and skills.


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